Community Labs was engaged to help inject leads into an insurance agency’s pipeline.
The insurance agency was Brock Insurance Group.
Community Labs started by identifying the core personas that BIG adhered to.
They mainly provided insurance to homeowners and local businesses in Texas. In order to reach home owners, we realised that we needed to get creative. Instead of reaching out directly to homeowners we decided to reach out to mortgage brokers. They connected us to homeowners.
We did this using our proprietary cold email strategy. We then decided to reach out to businesses. To do this we scraped the Internet to find local businesses in Texas that had warm requirements for insurance. We created a campaign that reached out to these homeowners asking them to subscribe to a free newsletter.
On the newsletter we provided value and eventually got calls scheduled. We then we’re able to sell them our insurance plans on call.
We also had an alternate method of directly asking them if they needed insurance through our cold email system.
We got 15+ leads In a matter of a couple weeks!